Monday, June 01, 2009

Finishing my ToDo List

Posting is the last thing, I have to do today. I can't believe I even got to it.

It's been over 60 days since I last post and apologize sometimes you have to get things done. Like most people, the economy is killing me.

I luckier than most and nothing devastating has happen to me. I still have work, a place to stay, a car, friends, food, and health; just barely, but I'm doing better than most (knock on wood).

But thank goodness, I had enough sense to at least make some time and go out with boys, not as often, but you gotta stay social even it's for a couple of hours every other week.

Oh, I also want to apologize for not getting back to ya'll comments.

Anyway, go out and meet some people and have some fun. I will be updating regularly now.

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