Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Regaining My Identity

In October of last year, my life completely changed. My friends/business partners betrayed me in a business that we had spent three years building and I lost a lot of money. However, I did not let that stop me, I just kept plowing along. I quit a job that I hated because I was only doing because I was making a sacrifice my business partners. I started another small business and picked up clients so there was no large disruption in my life, well at least not a relatively large disruption in life. There were some scary and hard times, but I continue to plow through it.

My personal life was going fine. I was making new friends, meeting local SLA guys, meeting and dating some great women. And to simply put it, just having fun.

Yet, there was something missing and I really could not put may hand on it. I just continue my pursing building a new business and enjoying my social life. Sunday, I was pulling out a suitcase for trip I’ll be taking next week and a notebook fell out. It was my SLA notebook so I paged through it. I re-read my identity section and I realized what I wrote nearly a year ago about who I was and where I wanted to be, was completely different from who I am today and where I’m heading now.

For the past two days, I have been slowly re-writing my identity statement and goals. It has been a great exercise in finding out who I am, what I want to be, and where I want to be in the near future. I recommend that everyone should do this and should do it often. I really think I should have looked at this right after October; it would have saved me some time and angst.

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